Breaking News
jeudi 9 novembre 2017

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By Daniel Perry

Any company that employs a quantity of workers is likely to want and need to keep track of their attendance. This is especially important if those same staff are paid an hourly rate and work shifts or overtime. Clock card systems and manual clocking registers are not as reliable as using easy time clock software which is beneficial to any business. Managerial staff is then freed up to focus on other aspects of running the company while knowing that their attendance is accurately monitored.

Workers that are slacking or show lack of regard for their obligation to the company can be dealt with swiftly with the appropriate sanction. Underlying issues can be dealt with speedily as the reporting system is now automated and the information is at the fingertips of the managerial team. The system can be programmed to report on issues as they arise, increasing staff morale and productivity as a result.

In the past supervisors or staff were trusted to manually capture their arrival and departures in a register. This was not a reliable or accurate method as it was far too easy to cover up tardiness or slacking. Staff could abuse the system and claim that they had worked more overtime than they actually had.

Supervisors that were guilty of stealing time, and thus money, from the company by altering manual time and attendance records or favouring particular workers, had an easy route. It was often difficult to pick up errors and certainly harder to find proof and deal with perpetrators. Unfairness and bias was always a potential hazard.

Once an automated clocking system is installed in the workplace and is working correctly, the risk of abuse is dramatically reduced. Access to data is immediate and accurate, no longer requiring that administrators and payroll staff call for physical cards and books to monitor. There is no longer a need for manual calculations and staff can no longer cheat their employer and fair business practice is re-established.

The devices that are installed operate on either 3G or the local wireless internet. They are able to be remotely accessed for repairs and updates if necessary as well as retaining accurate time and dates. It is an efficient and effective way of running the system. Data is always instantly available to whomever requires it, with easily set up reports automatically being sent to the people that need to see them. Allowing different levels of data access is also an option.

Installing readers on main entrances as well as restricted areas offers control and security to the company. Once a worker places his or her finger onto the reader and they are identified, their time is automatically and immediately linked to their file. If they have been granted access to that area, the door or gate will automatically open for them. Security can also dictate that a particular worker or set of workers only has access to the premises at certain times or on certain days, or have no access to specific areas.

Any manual measuring system, such as clock cards, is able to be abused and it's often difficult to find proof of it. Using a biometric clocking system will eliminate all these risks. As soon as the workforces fingerprints are on record and their identity uploaded, all other information being read is available. The administrators of the system would also be able to capture information such as shift times, annual leave, area access as well as their position and rate of pay.

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